Monday, April 3, 2017

Week 6 (Week of 3/13)

I have finished all training, so now I am only left to work on my data analysis! While this is not an entirely entertaining task (in fact it is sometimes the most excruciatingly, mind-numbing thing I have done in my life) I am plugging along. As of right now, the radio altimeter appears to be the cause of the majority of the nuisance alerts. However, the reports I am going through at this point are pretty date (early to mid- 2000's) so there may be variety in the more recent iterations of TAWS containing products.

I am also invited to many meetings. Now, these meetings have absolutely nothing to do with me, but serve to help me expand my expectations for what a future in the engineering field will be like. So while they are not entirely related to my SRP, they are worth their weight in gold.

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